Happy New Year!  Welcome to our very first newsletter! In order to keep you all updated with our organization and wellness tips, we have decided to do a monthly newsletter. In this newsletter, you’ll find out about what’s been happening with us. It is also a good way to stay in touch outside of social media platforms, I think you’ll be surprised and excited about all the wonderful things happening with The Survivor's Nest. 

We have some new and exciting events planned for the year ahead. Our first major event kicks off April 6th, SAVE THE DATE, you don't want to miss it! February 19th, I will be 5 years free of cancer (YAY!); I'm so grateful! Also this April I will turn 40 years of age. Now you see why I'm so excited about the year ahead! I'm reaching some incredible milestones. Great things are in store.

We hope to hear from you soon, and we welcome your feedback!